I SO needed to read this today! I too was an avid young diary keeper and then went completely the opposite way to being so self-censored all new attempts fail - but this gives me hope!

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Ahh, I'm glad 💕 I think self-censorship is public enemy no1 of consistent journaling; get rid of that and you'll be back at it in no time!

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this was filled with very helpful advices! i’ll try to start writing a journal again later this month (started this January but failed after a month), as soon as i’m back home. thank you!

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Thank you, I'm glad this was helpful 💗 best of luck on your journaling journey!

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such a great read and definitely the advice ive been needing! i start work at ten and have been trying to find some activity to do in the morning to fill my cup, and it sounds like journaling might be the one!

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yesss I think morning journaling would be perfect for you! I start work at around that time as well, and I love journaling before my day begins.

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I got back into journaling a few months ago after putting it away for years - I held myself back out of fear of really beholding a lot of hard feelings, as well as the subconscious need to make it performative. But I've been able to get over both of those hangups and now journaling every day with a fountain pen feels like something I can't live without!!

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Ahh that makes me so happy! Glad you were able to get over those things and make journaling a habit 💗

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Great tips, thank you so much!! I should get back into journaling. I feel like my Substack is my journaling place, and it is, although I also need time and space like you said to empty my brain of all the trash that's floating in there. Definitely something everyone needs!

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“Afraid someone will find it and read it without permission..” writing in a journal was undeniably a moment for me to recognizing my feelings in my teen years, and now, i don’t journal at all — there is a space of reluctance because you know that it more than likely won’t be read but you fear the judgment behind, love this and love your honesty

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But what is the point of compulsary writing 1 to 3 pages a day? I dont get it

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Keep in mind that journaling isn't for everyone BUT for me, it's a way of processing whatever it is I'm going through. It's a little like venting to a friend on a daily basis, but without a filter. It helps me figure out how I feel and it keeps my mind "organized", if that makes sense (ie if I write about something that bothers me, I'm less likely to think about it as much during the day).

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Thanks for answering!! I understand now.

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Aug 17
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Yay! The Bart Simpson takes away the pressure of writing "high quality" stuff, or at least it has for me, and once that's gone it becomes much easier to write every day 💗

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Aug 14
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nooooo who did you give them away to? 😭 But so glad you're journaling again 💗

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Aug 13
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Yay!! They have absolutely changed mine as well 💗

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