“I eventually learned to accept that my only job was to listen and let them guide me.” yes yes yes

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I needed this today. Congratulations on writing your novel. 🤍

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Thank you! 💗

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Loved this so much, you’ve articulated so many things that I continue to feel but haven’t put into words before, thank you 🤍

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Aw thank you for reading! 💗

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I relate to all of this so much. I also spent a long time thinking of my writing as a convenient skill that allowed me to have a career I liked—and now here I am, writing my first novel, completely possessed by the process.

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So glad I'm not alone in this! Best of luck with writing your novel - I look forward to reading it 💗

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Thank you for this post!!!! Sign TAKEN.

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I love this!! I love that the story wouldn’t be forgotten and kept sneaking back into your head until you just went for it. This hits hard for me because I have the same experience-one day years ago I had an idea, and it just kept growing in my mind until I started writing it last year💛

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I relate to this so much! A year and a half ago I sat down for NaNoWriMo and almost completely by accident out poured a story. Many revisions and four months into writing that story I realized the real story I wanted to tell lay within one of those chapters. And so i started again.

What you describe as being a whirlwind, can’t stop thinking about it process is exactly how I feel. It’s exhausting and sometimes frustrating but it’s also the most fun I’ve had in years.

Congrats on all your progress and I can’t wait to read it one day! 🥰

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“I’ve decided I’ll see it to the end, no matter what, and I don’t think I’ve felt this excited about anything since I was a kid.”

I love this so much, Marta! Hold it all loosely and keep writing! That got me through to the end of my book. Thanks for sharing this 💕

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Thank you again for the love, Kailey 💗 I would love to read your book once it's out!

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If you ever read my book and take a picture of it, I will be so happy 😄💕

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Thanks for sharing this post! I’ve always been so hesitant about pursuing writing more seriously, although I have already a story laid out in my mind. I’m also curious as to what language you’re writing in? I’m bilingual and deciding on the language has been another blocker

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I'm writing in English, as that is the language I would like to publish in first, but I will also write the story in Portuguese once I'm done. I'd say, don't let your decision on the language stop you, especially when you have a story laid out already - there's probably a language you feel more comfortable in, or that sounds better when you read out loud. You can always translate later!

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I started writing my first novel! TERRIFYING

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Terrifying and soooo exciting!! You got this!

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omg!!! i’m going through such a similar thought process in regards to my writing lately! i’ve connected so much with everything you wrote here. i wish you the best of luck in your writing journey!!

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Thank you, Victoria! I'm so glad this resonated 💗 best of luck in your writing journey too!

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Jul 24Liked by Marta

Good luck 💕💕 Trust the process!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

Thank you, Ana 💗

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Very proud of you!

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Lol FINE, sign taken. Much like you, I've had a fantasy world in my mind for years. Maybe it's ready to come out.

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Oh it is READY to come out!!! Start writing, I want to read it!

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proud of you! I’m also needing to trust the process in my own writing

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It's not always easy! But it does get a little easier with time, when you start seeing it works. It just requires a little faith in the beginning 💗

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I really needed this post. I've been having some self-doubt lately about my own book. I've been asking myself if it's a waste of time or if anybody will even care about it. But I have to remember that writing a book is hard. Regardless of whether someone reads it or not, writing an entire book is something to be proud of. This post reminded me to trust the process and just write!

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Exactly that. Writing a book is very hard and an accomplishment anyone should be proud of. Never a waste of time, not in a million years. Your book deserves to be written! 💗

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