Matrix by Lauren Groff sounds good!

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I've been wanting to read Mrs. S for ages - even though it's Spring here in Australia I'm going to find a copy stat.

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Go for it, Mrs. S is amazing all year round. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it!

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Did you see the trailer for Nightbitch was just released?!?! I adored that book and have been so stoked to see Amy Adams portray that character.

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Yes!!! Can't wait to watch it!

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all’s well being on my book list to read, once i learned it was a macbeth retelling i just knew i wanted to read it this fall!

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Ohhh you had me at A Certain Hunger, that's going straight on my TBR. I bought my stepmum Motherthing a year or so ago and I still need to borrow it off her.

Thank you for sharing!!

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I’m all about strange books! 📚 Just finished Rouge by Mona Awad and had Bunny next in line, but now I’m bumping up All’s Well instead. A Certain Hunger and Matrix sound incredible too. Thanks for sharing! ✨

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Love. A Certain Hunger was wild. I have Matrix and have yet to read, also Rouge by Mona Awad x

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